Personalized Medicine for Sarcomas: Have We Lost Perspective?
Dr. David Thomas takes a step back to consider personalized medicine in the context of costs, results and pressing global health issues.
Evaluation of Genetic Biomarkers in the P53 Pathway for Sarcoma Susceptibility
Experimental Plan: Dr. Bond and his colleagues describe their study of the molecular defects that disrupt the p53 pathway in the onset of sarcomas.
Zoledronic Acid with Chemotherapy for Ewing's Sarcoma
Study Report: Drs. Odri, Corradini and Rédini report on zoledronic acid as a promising therapeutic option for primary bone Ewing's sarcoma tumors and as an inhibitor of lung metastasis dissemination.
The Online Experience of Sarcoma Patients and Their Supporters
Survey Report: Mary Sorens writes about the results of the Initiative's global online survey of sarcoma patients and their supporters.
Considering the Patient
Special Feature: Dr. Kate Granger shares a few of the lessons she's learned as a DSRCT patient.
$40,000 Grant Funds Research on Sarcoma Susceptibility
The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative has awarded an International Collaborative Grant for sarcoma research in Australia, Germany and the United Kingdom.
Sarcoma Sinoviale
Marilena Cesari, MD provides an Italian translation of the ESUN overview and review article on synovial sarcoma.
Koichi Ogura, MD provides a Japanese translation of the ESUN overview and review article on dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.