ESUN Columns
Five Years of Service to the Sarcoma Community and a New Beginning
Editorial by Bruce Shriver, PhD
FDA Approval for Pediatric Orthopedic Implants
CTOS Op Ed: Drs. Letson and Wilson discuss recent trends in the FDA approval process for low-volume prostheses.
Letters to the Editor
Dr. Steven Rosenberg, Chief of Surgery at the National Cancer Institute, calls for synovial cell sarcoma participants. Frank Burroughs, President of the Abigail Alliance, writes about the progress and state of the Abigail Alliance.
The Importance of Second Opinions for Sarcoma
Elizabeth Goldstein-Rice reviews the role and necessity of expert second opinions in sarcoma diagnosis and treatment.
The Importance of Treatment at a Specialty Center for Sarcomas
Elizabeth Goldstein-Rice explains the role of sarcoma centers and specialists in the treatment of sarcoma.
Guidelines for Parents of a Child with Sarcoma
Dr. Paul Meyers offers advice for parents of children with sarcoma.
Dealing with the Side Effects of Sarcoma Treatments
Mimi Olsson and Mary Sorens provide information and helpful hints about managing the side effects of treatment.
Improving the Patient Experience: the UK Takes Specialist Centres Seriously
Roger Wilson describes why and how the shape of the service which delivers sarcoma treatment in the UK is rapidly changing.
Complex Issues of Communication in the Context of Cancer Care
From a Nurses Perspective: Marianne Griffin, RN, BA discusses why sensitive communication and support must be tailored to each individual's needs.